In collaboration with Fridays4Future, we have developed and trialled a teaching concept for 4th – 6th grade. It is about how to explain the basics of climate change to children at school and how to develop their own options for action in everyday situations. The materials and a description can be downloaded here, e.g. by teachers:
Current flyer of the Scientists4Future Mainz/Wiesbaden: SFS_Flyer_A5_Klimawandel_in_RLP.pdf
Current flyer of Scientists4Future Mainz/Wiesbaden on the heat transition: SFS_Flyer_Waermewende.pdf
Slides from a lecture by Prof Mark Lawrence on “The drivers of the climate crisis. Scientific foundations and our options” as part of the KLIMAkademie 2022: 20220801_KLIMAkademie
Crash course in climate psychology and climate communication by M.Sc.-Psych. Kathrin Macha (Psy4F): 2022_Klimapsychologie-Klimakommunikation
FAQ for balcony power plants by Dipl.-Ing. Martin Hahn: FAQ_Balkonkraftwerke (as of May 2023)
Germany-wide main page of S4F:
In the knowledge centre of Scientists4future you can find a selection of articles on facts about climate change, options for action and knowledge transfer.
Collection of links
At Scientists for Future Germany you will find a large list of interesting materials, including from the IPCC:
The Helmholtz Climate Initiative provides the latest research findings on how climate change can be slowed down and how we can adapt to extreme climate events:
The climate reporter provides interesting facts about climate policy, the energy transition and climate research:
Book for the podcast “Energierevolution jetzt!” by Volker and Cornelia Quaschning
ISBN: 978-3-446-27301-6
“Climate feelings” by Lea Dohm and Mareike Schulze
ISBN: 9783426286159
“Klartext Klima: Understand the context, get started and act effectively” by Sara Schurmann
ISBN: 978-3-7106-0598-7
“Rethinking our world: An invitation” by Maja Göbel (co-founder of Scientists for Future)
ISBN: 978-3550200793
“Climate Action – Psychology of the Climate Crisis. Barriers to action and opportunities for action” by Lea Dohm, Felix Peter and Katharina van Bronswijk
ISBN: 978-3-8379-3110-5
From lecture theatre to practice – how does science help us in practice?