
We want to provide scientifically sound information about the climate crisis and show what options are available to counteract the climate crisis. So far, we have done everything on a voluntary basis. Now we would like to create a position to support our activities. This will enable us to incorporate the latest scientific findings into current political discourse even more effectively and draw attention to the urgency of the situation.

In order to finance the position, we are dependent on your donations.

With your donation to the non-profit organization Scientists for Future e.V. you strengthen the science communication of the regional group Mainz/Wiesbaden in the fight against the climate crisis.

Please indicate “Spende für RG Mainz/Wiesbaden” in the purpose of the bank transfer so that your donation reaches us. Otherwise, the Friends of Scientists for Future Deutschland e.V. will not be able to clearly allocate the donation.

Förderverein Scientists for Future e.V.
GLS Bank
DE89 4306 0967 1034 0391 01

Thank you for your donation for a future worth living for current and future generations.

As Scientists for Future e.V. is a non-profit organization, every donation can be claimed for tax purposes. For donations of €300 or more, the tax office requires a donation receipt. Please request this document from the association office at , stating your full name, postal address and e-mail address (for queries). If you would like to cancel a monthly donation order, please write to the official email address

Transparency notice for the donation tool

We collect donations via the twingle donation tool. A small amount of each donation is passed on to twingle as a processing fee, but this is offset by major administrative savings for us, e.g. through the automation of donation notifications. In addition, twingle offers greater data protection than the publication of our IBAN number. The lowest fees are incurred if you choose the “bank transfer” option within Twingle.

You can find more information about the Scientists for Future e.V. Germany support association here:

Use of the donation:

With your support, we would like to create a position to enable us to carry out even more effective networking, coordination and public relations work. Ideally, we would like someone with expertise in the areas of climate crisis and science communication to fill the position. The specific structure of the position depends on the amount of donations.

The range of tasks includes:

  • Managing the homepage and social media channels
  • Writing press releases/readers’ letters
  • Contact person for inquiries
  • Contact person for journalists, climate protection managers, politicians, etc.
  • Preparation of presentations at schools, VHS, etc.
  • Internal coordination and contact person: in the local for Future groups

You can find examples of specific projects here:

If there are any funds left over, we use the donations to finance material resources (e.g. the design of information stands or posters) or travel expenses.

Whether one-off or monthly – we are happy to receive any donation.

Every donation helps us to continue our work, raise awareness of the climate crisis, draw attention to the consequences of the climate crisis and motivate people to take action.